2009年12月1日 星期二

教師動態 邢幼田 B. 近年相關作品


The Great Urban Transformation: Politics of Property in China. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. Forthcoming in December 2009.


Reclaiming Chinese Society: The New Social Activism, Co-edited with Ching Kwan Lee. London: Routledge. Forthcoming in December 2009.


2006a, Territorial politics in large Chinese cities, The China Quarterly. No. 187. pp 575-591.
2006b, Brokering power and property rights in China’s townships, Pacific Review, Vol. 19, No.1. pp103-124.
(Translated into Chinese, in Guang Lei et al., eds., 2006, The State of Rural China: Peasants, Agriculture and Rural Society in the Reform Era. Hong Kong: Taide Shidai Publisher, pp. 61-77)


2008a, Territorial politics between the formal and informal state in China’s townships, in Linda Chilan Li ed., Chinese State in Transition. NY: Routledge.
2008b, Socialist land masters: Territorial politics of accumulation, in Li, Zhang and Aihwa Ong eds., Privatizing China: Socialism from Afar. Cornell University Press. pp.57-70
2006, “Foreign capital and local real estate development in China,” in Wu, Fulong ed., Globalization and Chinese Cities. NY: Routledge.

